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Trinity Times
May 26, 2016

Serving This Sunday
May 29, 2016

The Second Sunday after Pentecost
Proper 4C

8:00 a.m.
Chalice: Darrell Berg
Usher: Bob Emert
Breakfast: TBD
10:30 a.m. 
Chalice 1: Barbara Uhlemann
Chalice 2: Jim Andris
Crucifer: Brian Alms
Thurifer: Eric Cox
Torches: Steven Forsyth, Mick Maurer
Reader 1: Hazel Kirk
Intercessor: Ellie Chapman
Eucharistic Visitor: Lisa Will-Smith
Healing Minister: TBD
Ushers: Ted and Etta Taylor
Greeter: Rip Van Winkle
Sacristans: Jim Andris, Steven Forsyth
Flower Guild: Barb Holmes
Offering Counters: Ted Taylor, Dean Bradley
Monday Bread Pick-up: John Desper
Bread Bagger: Eden Harris
Coffee Hour: John Carroll, Phil Egart
Hot Lunch Provider: St. Francis Episcopal Church
Hot Lunch Innkeeper: Pam Hardester

Readings for this Sunday


Philippians 1:1-14

Psalm 96

Luke 7:1-10



Trinity Food Ministry - News & Notes

Lots of things and people to be grateful for this week: Thanks to everyone who came to the Improv on Friday for the TFM benefit - we raised almost $500. Thanks to the “farmers” of 1st Unitarian, Church of the Holy Communion, Church of the Good Shepherd, Central Reform Congregation, the Central West End Garden and Next Door with Cultivating Justice STL for beginning to bring  beautiful produce to the pantry - our clients really appreciate this fresh and nourishing addition to the food we offer.
On Your Shopping List: peanut butter, fruit canned in juice not syrup.
Remember that Trinity will once again be cooking and serving Hot Lunch on Sunday, June 5th - there is a sign-up sheet on the board by the organ in the sanctuary. Volunteering for the food ministry is a great way to serve and to get to know other Trinitarians. We also need helpers on Tuesday mornings to help set up for pantry or in the afternoon to help with hospitality during pantry. Connect with Adrienne or Barbi to find out how you can be part of this ministry.



An up-to-date parish calendar is always available on our website ( Click on the calendar above to preview it!

Worship Schedule

Holy Eucharistt
Sunday at 8:00 and 10:30 a.m.Sunday at 8:00 and 10:30 a.m.
  Tuesday at 7:30 a.m. and, during Lent, at 6:00 p.m.
  Wednesday at 12:10 p.m.
  Thursday at 6:30 a.m.
Family Service
9 a.m. 2nd Sundays, North Hall  (except July and August)
Morning Prayer
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 7:30 a.m.
7:00 p.m. 3rd Sundays

Recurring Calendar Items…

AA Open Meeting*, 4 p.m. Saturdays, SPH
AA Admin Meeting*, 7 p.m. 2nd Tuesdays, SPH
Coffee & Conversation, 9:40 a.m. Sundays, SPH
Choir Rehearsal, 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays
Dismantling Racism* 10 a.m. 1st Saturdays, NPH
Effort For AIDS Social*, 5 p.m. 4th Fridays, SPH
Film and Fellowship, 6:30 p.m. 2nd Tuesdays, NPH
Food Pantry, 1:30-3 pm Tues. & Wed., 4-6 pm Thurs., SPH
Growing American Youth*, 7 p.m. Thursdays, SPH
Hot Lunch Program: 2 p.m. Sundays, SPH
Holy Yarn, 12p 1st Sundays, NPH
League of Women Voters*, 10:30 am 2nd Sat, NPH
Meals on Wheels*, 9:30 a.m. M-F, SPH
MTUG*, 6-9 p.m. 3rd Wednesdays, SPH
Refuge Recovery*, 6:45p Mondays, Small Mtg. Room
Staff Meeting, 11:00 a.m. Tuesdays, NPH
Sunday School
   9:40 a.m., Grade 7 through 12, NPH
  10:30 a.m., Pre-K through 6th grade, NPH
Vestry Meeting, 6:30 p.m. 2nd Thursdays, NPH

*Non-parish group 

 Weekly Diocesan newsletter is available here

The Rev. Jon Stratton

The Rev. Harry Leip

Choirmaster and Organist
Jeffery Nall
Church School Director
Kathy van Bakergem
Parish Administrator
Bill Ader
 Food Ministry Coordinator
Adrienne Fly
Food Ministry Manager
Barbi Click

Edward Brefford

Joyce Daughaday, Senior Warden  314-863-3559

Jan Parker, Junior Warden  314-740-0420

Michael Biggers
Adrienne Fly
Mike Fowlkes
Jean Frazee
Anne Hennig
Hazel Kirk
Jeff Wunrow

Quick Links

Women of the Old Testament
We will be offering a Six Week Bible Study on the stories of eleven women in the Old Testament - Sarah, Hagar, Ruth, Naomi, Vashti, Michal, Abigail, Bathsheba, Gomer, and the good wife in Proverbs 31.  Studying together sections from Genesis, Ruth, Esther, 1 & 2 Samuel, Kings, Hosea, and Proverbs. With Supplements from Just Wives? Stories of Power & Survival in the Old Testament & Today, by Katharine Doob Sakenfeld. All you need to bring is your Bible.

When: Sunday, June 12, 19, 26, (off July 3), July 10, 17, and 24
Time: 12:00 pm -1:00pm
Where: North Parish Hall
Moderator: Dr. Mick Maurer
To register, email

Off Track Lectionary Track
The lectionary is a wonderful thing compiled by thoughtful people. We’re all thankful for it, but this summer, we are making a slight detour. Starting May 29th, we are taking a journey through some of the authentic letters of St. Paul, starting with Philippians and then making our way through Philemon, Galatians, and I Thessalonians. Reading a book in its entirety, chapter by chapter, in worship is a traditional method of experiencing scripture in the liturgy called lectio continua. The sermons throughout the summer will focus on Paul, his epistles, and their context.

Sacred Conversations During the Summer
Trinity is full of interesting people with compelling stories to tell, and this summer, you are invited to get to know members of your community better through a series of sacred conversations. Sacred conversations are intentional one-on-one conversations designed to develop deeper relationships, help clarify personal values, and build tight knit communities. During the Sunday morning Coffee and Conversation time (9:40 AM in the South Parish Hall) you will have the opportunity to both learn how to have sacred conversations and practice having sacred conversations with your fellow Trinitarians. We all have stories to tell, come tell yours and learn from others.

Confirmation for Young People
Confirmation Classes for young people (teens and preteens) will begin this fall. If you are interested in learning more about the faith and think you might want to be confirmed, please sign up on the bulletin board in the back of the church.

Thanks to Jeff Wunrow and the Ikea elf for the transformation of the former rector’s office, n/k/a The Conference Room - now available for groups of 8 to meet in style and comfort.

Text Alerts from Trinity
You can now receive text reminders and alerts of special events, service cancellations, and important information from Trinity. Just text “trinity” (without quotations) to 48421 to subscribe.

We keep in our prayers those who are ill or in need

Anne Hennig, ovarian cancer
Frank Schottler, end-stage renal disease
Pamela and Kevin Hardester
Judith Todd, undergoing surgery later this month
Faith Sandler and family
Charlene Wright
Betsey Gardner
Barbara Ritchey
Karen Opp
Mary Jording
Pat Way, heart problems
Dorothy Becvar, recovering from a fall
Barbara Bradshaw
Jane Edwards
Anne Giedinghagen
Stephen Nichols, healing after surgery
...and those with ongoing challenges: George Benson, Martha Ficklen, Margaret Kane

Family Members:
Norma Loesche, Barbara Bradshaw's sister
Sue Grinlinton, Carlos Daughaday's cousin, thyroid cancer, respiratory failure,
  and pneumonia
Debbie Egart, Phil Egart's sister-in-law, recovering from cancer
Glenn and Ruth Beshears, Sue Beshears' parents
Renee Silver, Jim O'Bannon's daughter, pancreatic cancer
Timothy Royer, Rip Van Winkles's nephew, severe stroke
Darcy Nayler, Mary Patton's daughter, fighting leukemia
Clio Langdon and family, granddaughter of Virginia Benson
Linda Parker Hutchinson, Sara Lappi's sister-in-law, surgery and radiation
 for throat cancer
Steve Dunbar, Joan Dunbar's nephew, back problems
Ken Farris, Jeff Farris' father, recovering from foot surgery
Robin Townell, George Benson's daughter, Type 1 diabetes
Dorothy Ervin, Susie Anderson's mother, recovering from a fall
Waylon and Ellie, cousins of Jeff Wunrow, Spinal Muscle Atrophy
Gregg, son of Warren Work
Lura, stroke, brother of Charlie Williams
Janice, Stephen Nichols's sister, severe injures from auto accident
Frank, Dolores Friesen's brother

Cheryl Sharpe, breast cancer, lumpectomy next week
Sally Arras, friend of Pamela Hardester, cancer
The Rev. Ken Yerkes, friend of Brian Alms
Pat and Bob, friends of Denver and Charlene Wright
Jeanne Gordon, friend of Martha Baker, debilitation and frailty
Brian N. friend of Ann Watts, cancer
Jennifer M., friend of Ann Watts, cancer
Ann S., friend of Cathy Tierney, health problems
Sue H., friend of Jeannette Lehrmann, back surgery
Larry F., friend of Cathy Tierney, chronic leukemia
Don T., friend of Brian Alms, congestive heart failure
Sr. Carolyn Sur, friend of Karen Opp, infection and major surgery
Gary L., friend of Brian Alms
Jerry, friend of Helen Hendry, recovering from two strokes
Dale N., friend of Wayne Huber
Peg and Harry H., friends of Joan Dunbar
Bill, friend of Darrell Berg

Stix Elementary Family Prayer Requests: 
Child with brain tumor 
Father recovering from heart surgery 
Mother battling cancer 
Mother with end stage cancer
Mother that just had a newborn baby boy 
Mother that lost newborn child 

For the Clergy of the Diocese: Teresa Danieley, Rebecca Barger, Marylen Stansbery, Llew Heigham

Serving in the Military: John Worland, deployed to South Korea

Birthdays: Katie Berry, Jeff Nall

Mourning: Mary Ellen Anderson, Michael Haggans, Lisa Will-Smith, Mimi Will, Betty and Tom Weber, Jeff Wunrow, Gloria Winston, Ellie Chapman; Charlene and Denver Wright